How to Choose a Good Trip Planner
March 29, 2021How to Choose a Good Trip Planner
If you’re a first-time traveler, you may be asking yourself what are the advantages of hiring a trip planner? To start with, you can definitely customize your trip to suit your needs and budget. You can book it in advance, customize it based on your tastes and interests. Manage it by going on vacation planning. Trending destinations.
Color code your itinerary – It’s surprising but true that many first-time travelers find it difficult to plan their trips. With the color code system, you can mark off which places you want to visit and where you want to spend your time. In this way, you can cut your trip planning time by sorting out the necessary details. Moreover, having colored maps also helps you much time managing your itinerary. If you have an idea where you are headed, you would be able to prioritize things much faster.
Take the 3 dots approach – The next time you’re planning a road trip, why don’t you use three dots? Instead of planning your entire journey, break it into three segments and prioritize them accordingly. For example, you can look at the present location, your home town and the place where you want to go. That way, you can divide the trip into manageable parts. You can now spend much time looking at the different options for getting from one place to another.
Click on the map – Now, on your computer screen, locate the current location of your current home. On the top right corner of the screen, you will see a color code of green. Click on that green dot on the map. That way, you will easily see where the nearest hotel is located. From there, you can already add the stops of your road trip to your planned itinerary.
Organize everything – Next, you should already have an idea of what your trip planner will do. Next, click the “addle” icon next to each destination you are planning to visit in the planner. By doing so, you can now organize the stopovers you will make in these locations. After this, you can go ahead and check out what you’ve got. If you find that you still have things to add, simply click the “add” icon and write down how many more minutes you want to drive for.
Reorder your stopovers – Last but not least, check the “add time and route” buttons on the left of the home page. By doing so, you will be able to rearrange your planned itinerary in a much easier manner. Click on the “timer” icon to set your desired driving time and route. Choose your starting point and end point by clicking on them. And just like with the color code approach, you can easily see which destination is ahead of you or behind you by looking at the big map that pops up.
Get all the details – Finally, you should really spend some time analyzing the data you have gathered up until this point. In fact, this step is even more crucial compared to the other ones since you’ll be able to determine how much you are going to save by using a trip planner, as well as how much you will get to save by eliminating or combining trips. Among other things, you can get to know how much money you’ll be spending on fuel by reviewing the fuel consumption of your car. You can also analyze the tolls you will be paying by reviewing the toll rates shown on your current bill. A good trip planner will also give you the estimated time for your trip, regardless of the weather conditions.
There are many advantages that come with trip planners. Once you start using one, you will surely realize how handy they can be. You don’t have to rely on someone else to arrange for your trip, which can be very convenient in some cases. On top of that, you can use the information you gather to plan the best trip possible for you and your family, whether that is a romantic trip to an exotic beach resort or just a trip to the nearest major city in your area. Just make sure that you make the right choice when it comes to choosing your trip planner.