Gander Outdoor – Back in Business After Bankruptcy
July 23, 2021Gander Outdoor – Back in Business After Bankruptcy
Gander Outdoors, Inc. (formerly Gander Mountain), a privately held company, was founded in St. Paul, Minnnesota, in 1969. Gander is a popular summer destination for North American hunters and anglers. The company’s website touts the Twin Cities as “the home of America’s largest and most successful family camping club.”
In July 2021, Gander Outdoors filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This occurred after a period of significant financial difficulties. According to court documents filed by the company, it was unable to meet its obligations to its customers and suppliers, resulting in orders being cancelled or delayed. In addition, Gander Outdoor LLC was forced into bankruptcy due to the failure of the company’s retail sales growth. The company laid off forty-two employees in August 2021, which brought the total number of employees to ninety.
Gander Outdoors is one of numerous companies in Minnesota that has entered into bankruptcy court. Twin Cities consumers who have purchased products from this retail outlet may be entitled to refunds and monetary discounts. A representative of the company, however, indicated that Twin Cities consumers would not be entitled to any discounts or refunds. If you purchased an item from the Twin Cities Gander Outdoors LLC outlet between May 2021 and August 2021, but do not live in the City of Minneapolis, you are not eligible for a refund or discount. Similarly, if you purchased a product from the Twin Cities Gander Outdoors LLC outlet between August 2021 and July 2021, but do not reside in the City of Minneapolis, you are not eligible for a discount on the purchase of items.
Twin Cities consumers interested in purchasing RVs in Gander, Minnesota should contact the Gander Outdoors Company at gander outdoors (at) yorkiez (dot) com. For information on the availability of different makes and models of RVs, visit the website for this retailer at yorkiez (dot) com. At this dealer, consumers are able to search through the full selection of luxury vehicles. Some of the more popular models at this dealer include: Mercedes Benz E Class, Honda Odyssey, Mercedes Benz S Class, Volvo C Class, Lincoln Town Car, Mitsubishi Eclipse, Mazda 3, Mitsubishi Eclipse Touring, and Volkswagen Jetta SportWagon. In addition to displaying a full inventory of these vehicles, the company website also provides helpful information about owning and operating these vehicles. The website also offers helpful information about owning and operating these vehicles.
A representative of the Gander Outdoors LLC company advised consumers interested in purchasing RVs to visit the Twin Cities and look at their inventory. According to the company, Twin Cities consumers will be able to find a wide selection of high quality RVs at prices that are more affordable than in other areas. According to the March 2021 edition of the St. Paul News-Miner, the Twin Cities has experienced a strong economy and homes have appreciated in value, but the number of new homes for sale has been low compared to previous years. This low number of new homes has resulted in a lack of RVs for sale on the market, the News-Miner report found.
The report did not mention how many of the homes were actually sold during the past year, but it is likely a small percentage of them. Gander Outdoor LLC, which is listed as the owner of the Twin Cities’ largest newspaper, was not directly involved in the bankruptcy of the company. The bankruptcy court found the company to be in default of its obligations to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Public and Indian Housing, among other things.
Gander Outdoors LLC, according to the bankruptcy court filing, failed to file all required reports required by federal and state laws. Gander Outdoor LLC did submit one report to the Bankruptcy Court covering its operations in North Dakota between December 2021 and March 2021. The report covered the period of time the company operated out of Bismarck, North Dakota, but did not detail any income from outside North Dakota or income from sales of its firearms and ammunition products between December and March. Bankruptcy Court also did not make mention of any property assets that it owns or any other property held by Gander Outdoor LLC.
Gander Outdoor was one of the original members of the National Manufactured Recreational Vehicle Association (NMLA). NMLA is the governing body for the sale and rental of recreational vehicles. Gander Outdoor was established in 1998 as a direct selling company to sell and lease outdoor recreational vehicles manufactured and serviced by some of the largest manufacturer companies in the United States. The company was incorporated in North Dakota as a public limited liability company and operated its retail stores in Grand Junction, Fargo, Rock Island, and Sitting Bull, Minnesota until it was delisted from the NMLA in March of 2021.